BRCGS Trainings

Internal Auditor

This two-day course will enable you to undertake internal audits and prepare companies for third party audits. It is delivered through a series of workshop-led discussions, presentations and an interactive case study. During the live case study, you will be given feedback and support to enable you to carry out an audit at your own workplace.


  • Aug 29-30
  • Oct 28-29

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

  • This two-day course addresses one of the key requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8; the adoption and implementation of a hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system. The course programme reflects the requirements of the standard with regard to the implementation of a HACCP system, and will introduce delegates to the BRCGS requirements, quality systems, HACCP and the background of HACCP, BRCGS and Codex.


  • Sept 10-11
  • Nov 11-12

Environmental Monitoring

This one-day course will provide you with an understanding of the key components of an environmental monitoring program to identify potential microbiological risks in production and open product areas. It includes explanation of the different sampling methods and key elements of a corrective action procedure.


  • Sept 27
  • Oct 15

Need A Specific Course Date?

To request a course date not listed, please contact us.