
SQF Food Manufacturing Program Development
Developing an SQF program can be a huge undertaking. Let us help you develop the policies that help to meet your SQF audit requirements. Whether it is taking an existing program to the next level or building a program from the ground up, our team is ready for the challenge.
Audit Preparation
Let us help you be prepared for your upcoming third-party audit, whether is it a GSFI, Organic, or Customer audit we can make sure your programs meet and exceed the standards you are being audited against. We can help with GAP assessments and audit preparation, as well as assisting during the actual audit to ensure the entire process goes smoothly.

Bowen Food Safety, LLC is a leading provider of accredited PCQI courses. All of our courses are recognized by regulatory agencies such as FDA and USDA and GFSI Certification Audits. We offer certification courses in classroom and online live format. Through all our training programs we offer participants hands on experience that they can then take back with them and apply in the plant environment.